Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New Money Making Activity #18: Yard sales or Garage Sales

This is something that can be pretty profitable.  You  never know what lurks in other peoples houses, somethings can be very valuable and they may not know it.  For example, I recently went to a yard sale and bought a wooden antique clock and some fancy china plates and cups.  Guess what happened? I bought all that for $10.  I sold the clock for $88 and the china ware for approximately $110, which combined is about $200.  I also bought small things like toys, which they added up to be like $40 extra cash for me.  Basically the trick is buy the things you thing are collectibles or entail the most value.  Then go on selling sites such as ebay and polish the items your selling and make the picture look good.  Then post your item and you'll be surprised at the amount of cash you can make.  By the way, I sold that stuff in less than a week and made a $300 profit, along with the other money making ways.  This type of thing is rare, but once it happens buy all you can.  Also try and bargain for prices too, you'll usually save a decent amount.  NEVER TAKE THE PRICE THEY ASK.  Unless its a $1! good luck!